Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Cost of Companionship

What would you give up for a companion?

Would you give up money? Years off your life? Something else, whatever they may ask for?

No matter what type of companion you need, be it same/opposite gender, same age/older role model, on and on, I often wonder what people might sacrifice to make it happen.

Over time, I have come to realize, I would give up literally everything for companionship of the right sorts.

Among other things:

Someone that I can pick up the phone and call, be it 1PM or 1AM.

Someone that would hang out, be it on a Sunday, Monday, Wednesday or Funday, obviously mutually available times.

Someone to be that shoulder to lean on.

Someone to be the punching bag when the times call for it.

Someone to just call a friend.

An unconditional friend.

1 comment:

  1. "Its not good for man to be alone."

    I think all single folks who find themselves out of college and without any true friends (due to all of them getting married/moving on/ never being true friends to begin with) feel as you do. I know I do.


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